If you’d like to hear more about my story, I talk about it more in-depth on my other podcast, Storm Champ.
Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t posted to social media in awhile. I decided to go dark and unplug for the last few months. The truth is, I’ve been going through one of the most challenging periods of my life. I hit my rock bottom. It wasn’t the typical rock bottom that you might be thinking of. But it was a rock bottom for me nonetheless. While I’m lucky that I didn’t self destruct, it did cause chaos in virtually every part of my life. I was broken. I was shattered. I was in some pretty dark places. I was in a really dark storm.
The funny part about hitting rock bottom is that you really only have two choices. You can either stay at the bottom and let the storm consume you. Or you can get up, dust yourself off, and get above the storm. There’s only way to get above the storm – you have to rise. There’s only one way to rise – you have to climb. And there’s only one way to climb – you do it one step at a time.
I’m not fully out of the storm yet but everyday I take another step. Everyday I climb a little higher. Sometimes I lose my grip and slip. Other times, I climb higher than I expected. And no matter the day, I’m putting in the work to create the best version of myself possible, everyday. No more hiding. No more pretending. No more holding back. No more fear. No more regrets.
I’ve learned a lot about myself over the past few months. If I’m being honest, there’s a lot I didn’t like. But there was some really good that I re-discovered. I learned even more about how to deal with the storm. And somewhere along the way, I’ve felt compelled to share my journey and, more importantly, share the things that are working for me. I’m usually a pretty private and introverted person, so feeling the need to share is a very strange feeling for me. But if I can help just one person get through a moment or a minute or a day of despair, it’ll all be worth it.
You’re going to notice a change in what and how I post. You’ll see a side of me that you never knew existed. You might think I lost my damn mind, which I kinda did. But in the sage writing of George R.R. Martin, “Words are wind.” So I’ll let my actions speak my truth.
There’s too much negativity in the world. I’m going to do my part to bring some positive in the best ways I know how. I’ve also connected and re-connected with some pretty amazing people. We have some really good things in the works. So I encourage you to stay tuned. I’m grateful you are joining me on this journey.
And if you didn’t notice that I had disappeared, no worries. The truth is, I wasn’t providing any value to you before, so its understandable that you didn’t notice. In fact, I probably had pushed you away. So let’s call it even and start fresh together.
In order to truly see the light, you must first see the darkness. I found my beacons in the darkness, my family and my closest friends. Now its time to pay it forward. My mission is to be a beacon of light in the darkness – a beacon of light in the storm. I challenge you to be a beacon for someone today too. Be a beacon everyday.
Thanks for reading.
I’ve been completely broken. It’s the very best thing that ever happened to me. So glad to hear you are feeling better and I’m looking forward to the enlightenment and wisdom your story brings on this side of the storm. Many blessings to come to you and your family 🙂
Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad you made it through your own storm.
Hopeful to the possibility of dealing with “rock bottom” issues.
Glad you’re doing better! Everyone goes through their storm and if you grow and learn from it then you are a better person for it. Thanks for sharing and hope everything goes well for you and your family!